Vigo Bowl Mens ShootOut Nov 20th and 21st Name:
Paco Hoopingarner
High Games:
300 (16),299 (5) and 298 (1)
High Series:
800 (9) - 824,821,813,813,812,810,*804*,803 and 801
Triplicate's: 245,203 and 202 Tough feats: Picked up the 7 - 10 Split Picked up the Big Four Hit My Bowling Alleys Strike Pot For 2,000..Whew I Was Nervous. Tournaments I Won:
Mar,2009 My Team won the Mens Shootout at Vigo Bowl $250 a man. Oct,2005 My Team Won the 15th Annual Mens ShootOut at the T.H.B.C. Oct,2002 My Team Won the 12th Annual Mens ShootOut at the T.H.B.C. Oct,1996 My Team Won the 6th Annual Mens ShootOut at the T.H.B.C. Feb,2006 My Team came in 2nd at the Super Bowl Shoot Out Aug,2002 I Won the 9th annual "Italian Open" held at Lucky Strike Lanes in Clinton Bowling Tips:
Here is a tip to double your (Shadow Bowl)practice. When bowling (Shadow Bowl)practice before league, shoot at the ten pin for your first ball, then the strike ball for your 2nd ball. Next Time, shoot the seven pin first, then the strike ball. This way, you never get a strike and get 2 balls every frame (This helps Warm up the Wrist,Arm,Etc...)Strikes don't count for anything in practice.! Objectives:
I go into league every night with my head screwed on tight,try not to make simple mistakes and try to pick up all my spares...spares make your average! Once again I cant express how Important picking up your spares are,because one night I shot 731 with 12 spares,22 strikes and no opens... Experiences: I think bowling in the World teams challenges has help me to adjust much quicker to house conditions. I know for a fact that bowling in the traveling scratch league has helped me over all,even though there are several houses I struggle in,every nights new blood. Last but not least, Practice,Practice,Practice: I know from Experience that we seldom have time for practice,I can't express how important that practicing is. You should always try new things in Practice and not just try to put the Strikes up,but to "tweak" those weak areas of your game... Famous People Who Love Bowling Kid Rock Also Loves To Bowl
Here James MacArthur Tries To Knock Down The Pins
You May Remember Him From The TV Hit Series "Hawaii Five-O Laverne and Shirley were also big fans of Bowling
Laverne and Shirley again pose for the love of Bowling
Janeane Garofalo as the Cocky Bowler, whose weapon is a clear bowling ball with her father's visible skull inside
Well what can I say,Bill Murray made the film"King Pin"
Micheal Jordan is a very big fan of Bowling,
Here he receives a custom drawn self portrait of himself on a Bowling Pin Fred Flintstone is a huge fan of Bowling
I designed this for a Bowling Ball company.